In the age of democratized content creation, Nikko Ramos (Slam Magazine and Titan), Angelo de Cartagena (One Mega Group), Julo De Guzman (Perea Street, WYD), and Coco Quizon (formerly of Sunnies), sat down with Thysz Estrada to throw in their ideas on how modern marketing would fit into the new mold crafted by ‘emerging platforms’ and the potency of influence. This timely topic was covered in last year’s Pursuit Fair last October 19, 2019 at the Samsung Hall in SM Aura Premier. Taking us back to 11 months ago, we summed up some of the insights we’ve gathered from the talk as they are relevant then and now.
“You can’t shove content into people’s throats,” that is what Julo De Guzman said about content production — and his insight might turn out to be a much-needed advice. With online platforms readily available literally under our fingertips, there’s a hundred ways to get lost in the maze of content. Quality can help you rise above, though, as Nikko Ramos reiterated. It is rarely about being first, or the loudest, or the longest — it is all about being the best. And in order to be the best, Julo shares that it comes with collaboration and processing of research data — finding out what works and what does not, and adjusting your approach as you go along.
Images — Marvin Conanan
But quality content only works if you know who your consumers are. Content creation, in the most basic sense, is sharing your ideas to a group of people, convincing them to share the same vision as you. Content should be framed in a way that is easily relatable and significant.
According to Coco Quizon, it’s all about talking about your products in a very normal way. “Don’t make it too pa-exclusive. Inclusivity helps.” This way, you can make sure that people do not only listen, but actually participate in the conversation. And with a world having easy access to information, borders are replaced by time zones, as Angelo de Cartagena would say. Your content does not have to be released in a specific place anymore. It just has to be released on specific times and be seen by anyone who happens to be awake at that hour.
Content should take local online culture into consideration as well. There might be platforms that are widely used in one place while being not so popular in another. And with all the available platforms, which one do we choose? For Julo, the answer is simple: “Look for a platform that resonates with you.”
Online platforms are mere mediums to ideas. IGTV or YouTube for longer video contents like songs or vlogs. Instagram or TikTok for photos and short moments. In the end, the medium that you will pick should be able to capture your visions the way you like for them to be expressed.