The first Spill the Beans of 2018 is focused on Art.

There’s a bigger interest in Art recently, as a culture and an industry. This revitalized interest and the common notion of Art being a non-profitable and difficult industry to be in, led us to look into this topic. We invited four distinguished individuals who work in the different facets of the industry – art practice, curation, film, events, and more. They will share how one can actually pursue Art while making a living out of it.

Visit for tickets which are priced at Php500.

TOPIC: ART – Making a living through Art


1. Derek Tumala, Multidisciplinary Artist
2. Fatima Manalili, Associate Curator & Exhibitions Manager at Bellas Artes Projects
3. Mike Sandejas, President at Director’s Guild of the Philippines (DGPI)
4. Kaye Cosio, Executive Producer at #HoneycombArts

PANEL INTERVIEW: After all speakers have shared their ideas and thoughts, there will be a quick Panel Interview and we’ll open up the floor for questions.

VENUE PARTNER: Bellas Artes Outpost

Free-flow of single-origin black coffee.

This quarterly event is hosted by PURVEYR and Yardstick

For more details, visit the event page here.