Sometimes, words aren’t needed to drive a message, thought, or feeling across. This is what instrumental math rock band Tom’s Story does through their music. No punchy or gut-wrenching lyrics included—just deep baselines, rhythmic drumbeats, and guitar riffs all woven together in one musical narrative.

Performing VL Raza, a track from their self-titled album, the trio synced smoothly among one another—each nailing their own notes and beats, leading to five minutes of captivating performance. It’s one where you can’t help but rock your heads to, tap your feet, and mimic notes off your tongues.

But perhaps the magic of the performance lies in the music’s ability to capture a diversity of messages—with its shifts in tempo and varying melodies and rhythms. It takes you to a different mood, vibe, and feel, with everything under the blanket of a five-minute track. It’s a catalyst for your own interpretation, and Tom’s Story’s music is just there to give you the foundation, one song after the other.

Sound Fiesta is supported by Johnnie Walker, and in collaboration with Playhouse Studio for video production and Cosmic Sonic Arts for audio management.