Charlie Lim is as much, if not more, of a wayfarer than a singer-songwriter. Whether it’s performing in new spaces or traversing foreign soundscapes, Lim is definitely no stranger to new horizons. And while there is comfort in familiarity, the Singaporean artist also knows that a heart filled with passion never stays put.

What most artists fear, Lim embraces. His recently released sophomore album, CHECK-HOOK, showcases a deviation from his usual sound. If his first album, TIME/SPACE, only briefly played around with electronic inflections, CHECK-HOOK is an aural explosion of percussion and synths. Nevertheless, the candor and vulnerability that are endemic to his music are still present among this new backdrop of the electronica-heavy album.

And in a place that was initially met with uncertainty, Lim thrived. After returning from Australia in 2012, Lim currently finds himself among Singapore’s roster of talented musicians. His participation in the revitalization of the classic We Are Singapore for the 2018 National Day Parade is a testament to that. And more recently, Lim has reached cosmic heights by headlining his own show at the Star Theater.

Momentum is being built and there is no stopping him. “It’s definitely important to chase your dreams. It’s a cliché, but at the end of the day you just have to be crazy enough to stick to something that you love,” he shared.

Last November 18, Charlie Lim was once again in somewhere new. He found himself at The Curator closing off the Singapore Nights. He performed stripped-down versions of tracks from CHECK-HOOK and cradled his guitar in between sets. He joked around with the crowd as if they were friends he had finally come home to. As the warm glow of the neon “Passion Made Possible” lights surrounded him, he looked like he was right where he needed to be. Because for Charlie Lim, uncharted territory is the next destination.