Big moves are often founded on the grounds of certainty. It is all about being sure on what we want and stopping at nothing to get there. But from time to time, we are reminded that making big moves to chase a dream is just as big as the act of bouncing back when your dreams do not work out the way you wished them to.
In this episode, let us get to know more about Chino Roque, as he shares on his episode of Globe PORTRAITS how he turned a childhood dream into a sky-high reality. “As a child, being an astronaut filled my dreams day and night. Having full control of the equipment was something I really found cool—that’s on top of being to be in space and be surrounded by the great vastness of the universe and all its beauty,” he shared. This dream encouraged him to join a contest that allowed him to vie for the prestige of not only visiting space, but to be the first Filipino to do so.
His quest did not come without setbacks. After placing fifth in the competition, he thought the dream was over. But after a slot re-opened for the final three, he rejoined the challenges and bounced right back. In the end, he bested his counterparts and earned a spot to fly with 21 other delegates from 21 countries. At this point, everyone thought that the edge of the final frontier was well within reach.
“Until now, I still expect my space flight to take place any time. Although there is no clear date yet when it will finally push through.”
His flight was scheduled to happen in 2014 but with the recurring problems and safety risks of their spacecraft, he and his 21 other companions would not be seeing space. It would seem that it was disappointment after disappointment for Chino, but what sets him apart is how he finds opportunities, the silver lining, in these situations. A psychology major and fitness coach turned astronaut candidate, Chino knew he needed to do something about it. Something big.
Photos by Karen De La Fuente
“I took it upon myself to move forward with my life goals and pursue my career in being a commercial pilot,” he said. For him, encountering these challenges should not stop one from chasing the next biggest thing, and that dreams can always be achieved in more ways than one.
Now, he is poised to create a stable foundation for the future. He shared that this decision also gives him an opportunity to serve beyond himself as he dreams to make this world a little bit smaller by closing the distance between people across continents. This sense of fulfillment comes with the rewards from living in the moment, and not latching onto previous setbacks.
“Just the view is wonderful enough to make you forget about all the hustle and bustle down on the ground,” he added. “Having that total focus in the aircraft gives me such an experience that every second is a momentous one.”
In the end, big moves are made up of courage to do what is needed when things do not go our way. What others see as defeat, Chino sees as new opportunities to keep on chasing the dream. Whether on the ground, the air, or the edge of space, he believes that it is all about moving forward from the things you cannot control and making the most of the things that you can.
“Don’t let the fear of uncertainty paralyze you from taking that first step into what you really want or think is best for you. In the end we do not have control over events but we do have the ability to decide how we react towards them.” Kanye West said “Shoot for the stars, so if you fall, you land on a cloud.” And land on the clouds he did. It may not be the vastness of space, but the view is just as sweet.