In this episode of Prologue, Dan Matutina, designer, illustrator, and founder of the design studio, Plus63 Design Co., shared how he found his way into the cutthroat industry of visual design. Armed only with his knowledge of math, sciences, and cartoon characters, Dan Matutina explained that growing as an artist should not be just about the skill, but rather, an interdisciplinary journey for inspiration.

Dan Matutina’s journey started in Tacloban where he learned, growing up in a middle class family, that education is the best way to succeed although Dan already knew from a young age that his artistic tendency was something that he cannot ignore. It came from renting comic books on the sidewalk, watching betamax cartoons through the neighbor’s window, and a local provincial channel that shows a different cartoon series everyday from five to six in the afternoon. And like the cartoon roulette that he grew up with, he did not know what was going to happen when he reached the shores of Manila.

Dan Matutina animatedly shared how he survived his eccentric art professors whose weapons of choice were shouting matches, true or false exams with multiple choices, and recitations that quickly evolved into singing contests. He also shared that he had to make peace with the realization that he is just a mere “best artist” in a batch that’s full of them, the fear of not succeeding in a field that his parents held with a level of skepticism, and finding his place in the broad spectrum of the art industry.

He also shared the struggles he and his friends encountered when they tried to establish their own name. On how they stroke a balance between creating content for an advocacy versus the reality of finding good paying clients. He also shared how working for UP became one of his most important works, and the fulfillment of helping the university sports team’s revitalization program, even just through its visual rebranding.

Dan Matutina’s journey might be quirky, but it’s filled with the wisdom collected from years of moving through uncertainties, the constant drive to be better, and mustering one’s confidence in an industry where everyone seems to be better than you.

Prologue is a PURVEYR—Radio show and a partnership with Kindred Productions who manages the sound and recording. In addition, we would like to thank Yardstick for being our official venue for the interviews. You can subscribe and follow the show on Spotify or other podcast-listening platforms to keep yourself updated for new episodes.