There’s no denying that the effects of COVID-19 go beyond healthcare. Ever since the enhanced community lock down was put in place in Metro Manila, it has impacted majority of macro, medium-scale, and small-scale industries—and in turn our economy. With work being suspended, stores closing—except for select establishments that provide necessities—and people driven to isolation, uncertainty and doubt cloud the horizon. The current landscape may feel dismal, but if there’s anything that Filipinos have learned time and time again, it’s that they can only rely on each other.

Staying at home does not necessarily make you powerless in helping our countrymen who are struggling. Practicing social distancing and taking care of yourself and your loved ones are the most important things you should do, but if you’re willing to do more, you can help the people and industries affected by the enhanced community lock down. Here’s a rundown of organizations you can donate/contribute to.

Note: We will be constantly updating this article along the way

Manila Protective Gear Sewing Club

A group of volunteers from the local fashion industry have also gathered together to help in the efforts against COVID-19. With more and more cases and patients, the supply for various medical equipment are also dwindling. Manila Protective Gear Sewing Club aims to help address this by providing PPEs (personal protective equipment). Together, they’ve come up with a PPE design that’s medically-approved by Open Source COVID-19 Medical Supplies. They’re in need of volunteer sewers and financial donations.These will be distributed through the Office of the Vice President. Know more about this effort by joining their Facebook group.

Lockdown Cinema Club

More than 500 film workers are on the brink of being displaced as a result of the lock down. This means that they may lose their jobs and lose the capability of providing for their and their families’ needs. Thus, Lockdown Cinema Club is asking for donations of any amount. In return, you may watch amazing short films from the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries online for free. Know more about it here.

Traviel Collection

Uplifting local craftsmanship has always been at the core of Traviel. And in this challenging time, greater emphasis is put on uplifting local craftsmen. The work of Traviel’s team of bagmakers has been put on hold, but the brand continues to support these workers by providing incentives as production halts temporarily. They have an ongoing promo for two on their Instagram page; you may purchase their products, and it will be delivered to you once the lock down has been lifted.

Fab Manila

Fab Manila makes sure that even while on lock down, their sewers are provided with jobs and can produce their signature purses. You may help them out by purchasing one (or two or more) of their purses on their Instagram.

Anthill Fabric

To take extra precaution against COVID-19, masks should be worn whenever one needs to step out of the house. Anthill Fabric zero waste reusable masks—providing consumers with masks especially during this time that there’s scarcity and at the same time making sure that their employees are earning despite the lockdown. In addition to that, the first 100 pieces sold will be donated to Vicente Sotto Memorial Hospital in Cebu City. You may order through their official site.

For an exhaustive list of where and how you can donate:

Ogilvy FC released a tracker online detailing all the possible organizations/hospitals you can donate to during this COVID-19 crisis. It provides a definitive list that specifies which beneficiary will be affected—from frontliners to hospitals to service personnel, the general public—and what exactly do they need—alcohol, masks, disinfectants, testing kit, monetary donations, and the like. You may view the tracker through this link and help out our country men in this challenging time.


This situation has called for people to become more creative in reaching and connecting to one another. For musicians and artists, it’s through lives. Thus, Ben & Ben will be launching Puhon, a project that aims to respond to COVID-19 through donations. It will be done via an FB Live even which will serve as a call for donations as well. It will be happening on March 27, 2020 at 7PM. For more details, you may visit their page and you may also make your donations as early as now here.

Last update: March 28, 2020