Amid the worldwide crisis that is the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) has called upon creatives all around the globe to help in spreading effective, accessible, and shareable public health messages across any platform. Recognizing the uncertainty and magnitude of the situation, WHO has recognized the need for “a creative twist, a cultural quirk, an interpretation which helps [to] amplify [these messages] to audiences we are not yet reaching.”
Through an open brief directed towards creators, influencers, talents, networks, media owners, and other creative professionals in the world, the WHO provided key messages that would guide the former in crafting creative solutions. These key messages have been identified and classified into the following:
- Personal hygiene
- Social distancing
- Know the symptoms
- Kindness contagion
- Myth busting
- Do more, donate
A multitude of formats may be utilized–from videos to activations–on various platforms, such as social media, streaming platforms, broadcast, among others. You may express participation through this link while a more detailed set of guidelines and resources can be found here.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the open brief, you may address them to strategyhub@un.org.