It has never been easier to start a brand than during this age of social media. With minimal capital and a social media account, a small, humble brand can grow into something more — especially when coupled with quality products/services and effective brand storytelling. This is something that Ina Martelino of Sproos Creatives is familiar with, and one that she has set her eyes out on doing.

“Sproos” is the phonetic spelling of “spruce” inspired by the team’s desire to “spruce up” the content of every brand they work with. Sproos Creatives is a one-stop creative agency with a mission to find creative ways to bridge gaps between brands and consumers. Their range of clientele spans both well-known, established brands like Adidas, Revlon, Rexona, and Vaseline, as well as home grown brands like Viajecito and Beyond the Beach, and food establishments like Nikkei, Single Origin, and Common Folk. The Sproos team takes pride in its growing portfolio of works featuring photography, product styling, and creative direction — ultimately contributing to effective storytelling through content.

Images — Zaldine Alvaro

While the past months have been a struggle for most businesses, Ina shared with us how she was able to turn this into an opportunity to not just survive as a business, but thrive and be an impactful creative.

Amidst the current challenging landscape for businesses, Ina came up with Sproos Spotlight, her personal initiative that allowed her, together with her life and business partner Malek, to help over 120 brands free of charge. “We allowed local SMEs to send us their products. In exchange, we shot content for them,” Ina described how the project worked. It is with this initiative that she got to connect with both business owners and consumers. Most of the brands that she worked with are business that sprouted in the time of the pandemic as means for business owners to earn extra. The best part of the project for her? Hearing feedback from owners on how they’re booked with orders for weeks and how happy they are with the outputs.

“The joy and excitement you see from a small business owner when they see photos of their products is so priceless to me,” Ina tried her best to put into words the rush of feelings she gets over their work.

The initiative also had a direct impact on her and Sproos. It allowed their team to connect with more and more emerging businesses. Ina recently proved her genuine support for home-grown brands during the time when it mattered most — the nationwide pandemic. It was the best time to put her guiding principle into action. “Community over competition, always,” she underscored.

Being collaborative with fellow businesses proved to be one of the best moves Sproos Creatives made. Even after the project, a lot of people have been approaching Ina either through her personal or business account — expressing admiration for her work or connecting for business.

Ina emphasized the role that social media played in this growth. More than showcasing Sproos’ works and services, Ina maximized this direct access to the community by getting first-hand insights from her market. Instagram then became her communication tool to get the pulse and know which aspects she has to improve on to cater to them better. It gave her insights on what SMEs need and, in return, allowed her to recalibrate how Sproos Creatives stand as a brand.

This led to a shift in how they do their business and allowed them to reconnect with their why — supporting homegrown SMEs. Sproos has now expanded their services as a result. They are now offering SME Starter Pack and other cost-efficient packages that give SME owners access to content and campaign creation for their brands. In addition to that, they also offer Sproos Creatives: Model Day. In collaboration with Dream Talent Management, the team can now go beyond their signature creative direction, styling and product photography. Brands can now book a slot that can provide them with a model to bring their products to life.

Lastly, more than ever Ina strongly prioritizes community above anything else because she herself is a product of an empowering community. Working alongside her is her team composed of talented individuals whose values are aligned with hers. Jeg and Ryle — the photographers behind Sproos’ storytelling, Jedrik — the graphic designer with a talent of bringing the team’s ideas to life, Michael — the team’s trusty accountant, Palmo — the newest member of the team and Ina’s partner in styling and creative decision-making, and Malek — Ina’s partner, the “logic” to her “creative” as she put it.  “We wouldn’t be where we are today if not for each of them and all the patience they have put in,” Ina expressed how grateful she is for a team that allows her to be the best creative she can be. After all, Sproos Creatives’ best campaigns are always a product of teamwork.