There’s a different kind of allure that lies in space and in the little lights in the night sky — the stars. Whether young or old, the fascination and affinity we have for these celestial bodies always leave us awestruck. Stargazing is one of nature’s concrete reminders that even at times of darkness, light persists. Each night sky holds a different charm of its own — always changing and filled with reminders that light can never be fully extinguished.

Although this applies for any light source, stars themselves hold both aesthetic and functional significance. In ancient times, aside from being a source of comfort and wonder, stars played a major role in seafaring. Travelers relied on celestial navigation — which primarily used different constellations during different seasons of the year to calculate their positions — especially in open waters where there are no landmarks. Quite literally and figuratively, stars offer guidance, light, and in the case of this year, hope.

This was the inspiration for Aesop Home Care’s first trio of Aromatique Candles. With everyone being forced to stay in the confines of our homes for most of the year, people are spending more time in their homes, becoming more attuned with their surroundings, and looking for ways to elevate their everyday living — home scents are a way to do just that.

Images — Aesop

“Like everyone else over the last few months, I’ve been paying closer attention to my indoor environment, and I’ve noticed how we rediscovered the pleasure that can be found in everyday rituals,” said Barnabe Fillion, perfume designer, long-time collaborator of Aesop, and one of the creators of its pioneer Aromatique Candles.

Thus, the idea of ‘candles as stars’ — of comparing its flickering light to the stars in a night sky — was born. Subsequently, these candles were crafted with aromatic blends that would engender a sense of equanimity and refuge from everyday concerns. More importantly, the Aromatique Candles were created in response to insistent requests from clients for a range of scented candles.

The pioneer collection offers three unique candles, each named after an astronomer of ancient repute, and distinctively Aesop in aroma: Aganice, Callippus, and Ptolemy.

Aganice Aromatique Candle is eponymous to the woman often cited as the first female astronomer of Ancient Greece. Spicy, floral, and fresh. Among the key ingredients are Cardamom, Petitgrain, and Black Pepper — giving it a spicy opening character; Mimosa, Jasmine, and Geranium for a rich floral heart and; Vetiver, Tobacco, and Labdanum for a rich, opulent depth. The aroma of Aganice will appeal to those who enjoy Istros Aromatique Room Spray and the aromas of Aesop’s more piquant products, such as Coriander Seed Body Cleanser and Resolute Body Balm.

Callippus Aromatique Candle, on the other hand, honours Greek astronomer and mathematician who refined the dominant planetary theory of his time. Fresh, woody, and earthy. Shiso, Petitgrain, and Orange give a fresh scent tinged with sweet and very soft citrus top notes; Guiaiacwood, Frankincense, and Pine give the heart a very resinous and woody aroma and; Patchouli, Sandalwood, and Vetiver for a dry earthy and woody base. Callippus echoes the Reverence Hand Care formulations.

Lastly, Ptolemy Aromatique Candle named after the Greek scientist who is commonly regarded for the geocentric theory in medieval astronomy. Resinous, earthy, and woody with light smokiness. Orange and Forest Pepper lend its top notes vibrant citrus-spice notes while complemented by Cypress’ fresh, green, woody notes — overall evoking an opening scent that’s alluding to a fresh green forest. With Frankincense, Suede, and Gurjun in its middle notes, the fragrance’ heart gives a resinous and leathery aroma while its base of Myrrh, Vetiver, Sandalwood, and Cedar, give off earthy, woody accords while Patchouli gives it a sweet, herbal kick — giving the base a sensual, mineral, and earthy character. Ptolemy can be likened to the Hwyl Eau de Parfum, especially at its base.

While the candles are named after certain astronomers, its scents know no gender boundaries. They are intended for all who take pleasure in evocative aromas. As with Aesop’s earlier products, the Aromatique Candles were crafted with botanical extracts of the highest quality.

But apart from its unique scents, the Aromatique Candles are also housed in ceramic vessels with raw alabaster finish and glazed interior for an enduring aesthetic appeal. Minimalist and elegant, the vessel is food-safe and ready for life beyond candle housing; it can ultimately be repurposed as a cup or handsome utilitarian container, or as a modest yet aesthetically pleasing vase.

As we navigate the increasingly turbulent waters of the rest of 2020 and beyond, let Aesop Home Care’s aromatic candles be a flicker of light to your homes, much like the stars were to ancient seafarers; its aromas transport you to a place of escape and sanctuary — even just for a little bit.

“It is our hope that the uplifting fragrances and the gentle, subdued light the candles offer lend a measure of calm and succor in these circumstances,” Barnabe Fillion shared.

Aesop Home Care’s Aromatique Candles in Aganice, Callippus, and Ptolemy retail for Php 5,500 for 300g and are now available in store at Aesop Greenbelt in Makati City, Philippines.