Sai Versailles (she/her) is a digital editor, multimedia journalist, a DJ, and in general a lot of things which is why an all encompassing term to describe her is a cultural worker. Here, she shares the socio-political dynamics of creativity, and what she wants for herself and her community in the future.
Part of the conversation was on success and as such, she doesn’t try to impose ideas of success. Barometers of success have changed as she has gotten older, and she doesn’t want to romanticize any profession because to do so is very difficult. In her words, “Having to create these things, success is really more like just staying alive, and being able to just keep doing the thing while not just loving it, but also surviving from it.”
This goes hand-in-hand with her advice of not feeling pressured to create a legacy. “The reality of conditions from which these bodies of work have been created comes from the impulse that somebody has to do it. There’s an impulse to do it. It’s better to just keep creating, because if you’re chasing a legacy then it will simply seep through the work. It’s important to find creative outlets because turning something into work can remove the fun from it.”
In other words, Sai recommends to just keep on creating, not for the idea that someone will look back on your legacy, but for the sake of creation itself.